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UB40 feiern ihr 40-jähriges Bestehen als Band mit einer riesigen 40-tägigen UK-Tournee im Jahr 2019. Davor tritt die Reggae-Gruppe aus Birmingham jedoch am 21. Dezember in der Arena Birmingham auf, was sicherlich ein ausverkauftes Event sein wird. Viel Spaß beim Anhören Ihrer Lieblingstitel von UB40 wie „Red Red Wine“, „I Can't Help Falling In Love With You“ und „Don't Break My Heart“.
UB40 are one of the most successful reggae-pop bands in the world. With over 70 million records sold worldwide, 50 singles cracking the UK singles chart, and four Grammy nominations for Best Reggae Album, there is no doubting their prosperity since their formation in 1978.
The original members of UB40 aren’t all together anymore, but with 2 groups now, there are even more opportunities for fans to see the groups in concert! Both UB40 and UB40 featuring Ali Campbell keep the band's legacy alive by performing all their biggest hits while still producing the wonderful vocals that brought their meaningful lyrics to life.
UB40’s original band, still consisting of 4 of the founding members, last released an album in 2021 titled ‘Bigga Baggariddim’, a follow up to their 1985 record ‘Baggariddim’. They accompanied the release with a tour in 2022, the ‘Bigga Baggariddim Tour’. UB40 will be celebrating the release on their 2024 UK tour, which guarantees to be full of incredible performances and setlists.
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