The Prodigy Tickets

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The Prodigy Tickets - VIP & Hospitality

Einzelheiten einer UK-Tournee 2023 wurden von The Prodigy bekannt gegeben. Im Jahr 2019 erlebte die Band den tragischen Verlust ihres Frontmanns Keith Flint, der sich im Alter von 49 Jahren das Leben nahm. Im vergangenen Jahr begaben sich die verbleibenden Mitglieder der Band auf ihre erste Live-Tournee seit Flints Tod. Sie huldigten der ikonischen Figur bei ihren energiegeladenen Auftritten, indem sie eine Hommage an ihn in ihr elektrisierendes Set integrierten, insbesondere während des Songs „Firestarter“. Nach einer erfolgreichen Reihe von Comeback-Shows und internationalen Headliner-Festivals hat die legendäre Rave-Rock-Gruppe nun ihre „Army Of The Ants“ -Tour angekündigt, die im Winter in verschiedenen britischen Städten stattfinden wird. Die Tour beinhaltet Stopps in Glasgow, Manchester, Leeds, Brighton, Cardiff, Birmingham und London. Soft Play (früher bekannt als Slaves) wird sie bei diesen Shows als Vorgruppe begleiten.

The Prodigy UK Tour

About The Prodigy

The Prodigy is a British electronic music group that emerged in the late 1980s. The group was originally formed in Braintree, Essex, England, by Liam Howlett in 1990. Liam Howlett, who was a DJ and music producer, was joined by Keith Flint, who initially served as a dancer but later became the group's frontman, and Leeroy Thornhill and Maxim Reality, who contributed as dancers and vocalists.

In 1991, The Prodigy released their debut single titled ‘What Evil Lurks’, which gained attention in the underground rave scene. They followed it up with their first album, Experience’, in 1992, which became a commercial success in the UK. The album featured iconic tracks like ‘Charly’ and ‘Out of Space’, combining elements of techno, rave, and breakbeat music.

The Prodigy reached new heights of success with their third album, ‘The Fat of the Land’, released in 1997. The album became a global phenomenon, propelled by the hit singles ‘Firestarter’ and ‘Breathe’. It showcased a fusion of electronic music with elements of punk, rock, and big beat, breaking through into the mainstream and topping charts worldwide. ‘The Fat of the Land’ remains one of the best-selling electronic albums of all time.

Tragically, in March 2019, Keith Flint was found dead at his home, marking the end of an era for The Prodigy. The band announced that they would not continue as a trio out of respect for Keith's legacy. Liam Howlett, however, stated that The Prodigy's music would live on, leaving open the possibility of future releases featuring his compositions.

The Prodigy's unique blend of electronic genres, rebellious attitude, and memorable live shows have had a profound impact on the electronic music scene, influencing numerous artists and shaping the landscape of electronic music over the past three decades. They are recognized as one of the most influential and iconic groups in the history of electronic music.