Keep reading to find out what Seat Unique is doing this month for the Falklands 40 Challenge in aid of RBLI.

This May, the team of Seat Unique will be taking on the Falklands 40 Challenge to raise money for our charity partner, RBLI.

Read on to find out more about the challenge, what we are doing, and why we are supporting the charity.

What is the Falklands 40 Challenge?

To mark the 40th anniversary of the end of the Falklands War, RBLI are challenging participants to complete forty miles of exercise in the month of May.

Since the Falklands War, many veterans have left the armed forces and have confronted the challenges of civilian life, ranging from physical wounds through to struggling to live and adapt to an independent life.

RBLI works to provide help and guidance to ex-armed force members through a number of passages including housing and employment opportunities that enable the rebuilding of crucial skills such as communication.

Check out our interview with Jeff, a metal worker at Britain’s Bravest Manufacturing Company, to learn more about the impact of RBLI’s work on the lives of veterans.

What are Seat Unique doing for the Falklands 40 Challenge and why?

Five team members from Seat Unique will be taking part in the Falklands 40 Challenge to raise money for RBLI.

In May, Anna is biking to work, playing rounders once-a-week and playing football for her Falklands 40 Challenge.

Anna told us that she ‘really believes in the cause and wants to help make a contribution to the charity’s work’.

Molly is completing long walks for her Falklands 40 Challenge because ‘after an eye-opening visit to RBLI’ she ‘believes in the impact and importance of the charity’s work on the improvement of veterans' lives’.

Alex (Partnerships Manager at Seat Unique) on a run
Image: Alex on one of his runs

Alex, James, and Robin are running in the month of May for their challenge.

Alex has already completed 25k of his challenge and told us that he is taking part because he ‘has worked closely with Leyton Orient and has seen the amazing work that they do to support RBLI and veterans’, and would therefore like to make a contribution himself.

How can I raise money for RBLI?

There are many ways to raise money for RBLI including taking part in challenges such as the Falklands 40, donating directly, and buying from their shop (which is currently selling wonderful Jubilee products!)

Anyway and any amount that you can donate to RBLI will make a huge and positive difference to the lives and rehabilitation of veterans in the UK.

Seat Unique donates to RBLI through our WRU Supporter Exchange. To find out more, read our blog: ‘Tickets for Good: How the WRU Supporter Exchange Gives Back to Charity’.

Donate to RBLI

If you would like to make a donation to Seat Unique's fundraiser for the Falklands 40 Challenge, check out our JustGiving page here.