The club from Caerphilly will receive £5,000 to aid their growth and development as part of an initiative to help community rugby in Wales.

The competition was opened to all rugby clubs in the Welsh Rugby Union to give grassroots clubs a funding boost. Each club was tasked with sharing an image on their social media platforms and encouraging their followers to engage by liking and sharing the post.

Penallta RFC’s loyal supporters blew their competition away after receiving a grand total of 2,671 interactions with their social posts - over 1,000 more than their closest rivals.

Commenting on the opportunities created by the sponsorship fund, Penallta Club Treasurer, Scott Lowe said: “Winning this competition was massive for our club. Obviously the £5,000 sponsorship is amazing - but seeing the amount of support we received from the community was a real shot in the arm for all the volunteers at the club who dedicate their time to provide local youngsters with rugby opportunities."

"Discussions are ongoing within our Mini & Junior section in terms of how we utilise the sponsorship money to further benefit the children - new tackle pads/shields, portable floodlights and playing kit are all on the wish list!"

"Once again we would like to thank Seat Unique and RBLI for putting on this competition and for the generous sponsorship.”

Seat Unique Founder & CEO, Robin Sherry said: “Seat Unique is delighted to be able to provide these opportunities to help support the development of young Welsh rugby players. We have a great relationship with the WRU and feel it’s imperative that we give something back to the clubs that are its lifeblood. This sponsorship will be the first of multiple that we will be offering over the next few years!”

RBLI Corporate Partnerships Manager, Natalie Sweeden said: “RBLI are incredibly proud to work with Seat Unique on this wonderful community partnership! Congratulations to Penallta RFC and their community who came together in such a big numbers to win this competition!”

"We are delighted to be able to support the development of young Welsh rugby players and are looking forward to raising awareness of our mission supporting the most vulnerable veterans across the country."