After seven successful months of working together, we are delighted to report that Seat Unique has supported Lancashire Cricket in reaching record hospitality and premium ticketing sales.

Following the rollout of the partnership in May 2022, Seat Unique has digitally transformed Lancashire Cricket’s hospitality and premium ticket booking process. As part of the transformation, Seat Unique has tailored the customer journey to create a simple and seamless buying experience. It is now easier than ever to book premium experiences at Emirates Old Trafford, with supporters able to make purchases through a range of digital devices in just four clicks.

By powering Lancashire Cricket’s hospitality and premium ticketing offering on Seat Unique’s trusted online platform, supporters have the ability to book such experiences 24/7, all year round. This empowers our fans by enabling them to have the option to make purchases outside of typical office hours, at a time that suits them.

Seat Unique’s innovative technological platform is significantly driving sales from first-time buyers, and in turn, delivering new audiences to Lancashire Cricket’s premium experiences.

Robin Sherry, CEO and Founder of Seat Unique, said: “Our partnership with Lancashire Cricket has got off to a tremendous start. We couldn’t be more proud of everything we have achieved together so far, especially with a club of Lancashire’s status and prestige.”

“At Seat Unique, we’re constantly working hard to fulfill our mission of helping fans get greater access to premium experiences at live events - something that wouldn’t be possible without our valued partnership with clubs and venues.”

“Our innovative technology enables even more supporters to watch their favourite fixtures from some of the best seats in the house, while enjoying world-class hospitality at Emirates Old Trafford and we’re excited to open this up to new audiences.”

“We are thrilled to have helped Lancashire Cricket reach this incredible milestone. We look forward to seeing the club hit many more throughout our partnership.”

For more information, read the article in full on the news section of Lancashire Cricket's site.

About Seat Unique

Seat Unique is the trusted premium ticketing marketplace enabling clubs, rights-holders and venues to increase fan access to hospitality experiences at live events. To understand how Seat Unique can help drive new customers for your premium ticket and hospitality offering, please email [email protected] and join the ever-growing community of partners benefiting from Seat Unique’s innovative technology and services.